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Tips & FAQ

The following are questions that customers often have. The first question is the most common.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long will my repair/service take?

Well, that does depend on the type of repair. We usually try to have the device ready that same day.

What's the difference between aftermarket and premium screens?

Premium Screens are OEM screens that have been pulled from original devices and have been refurbished to new. This is the highest quality on the market.

Aftermarket Screens are made out of third-party materials but are still good quality screens at a cheaper price.

Do I need to make an appointment to bring my device to you?

Yes, it is important to make an appointment first. That allows us to check if we have the required parts in stock and if the device can be repaired that day. Appointments can be made through our site or phone call.

Can a technician visit my home or office?

This depends on the type of repair that needs to be performed. Usually, we like to repair stuff in our office.

What does the warranty cover?

The warranty covers any manufacturing defects, so if the part we installed stops functioning or is not responding correctly because of a manufacturing issue, then we will swap out the part. Please note that user/water damage to the part or device is not covered under this warranty.

How can I leave a 5 star review?

We take pride in our work and customers. If you were satisfied with your repair please look us up on Google at EdTech Repairs and leave us a 5 – star review. We would appreciate it since it helps our business grow. Thank you!

Can you recover data from my hard drive?

Unfortunately, we don’t offer data recovery services yet. This could potentially be available in the near future.

I forgot my iCloud password can you help?

If you have access to your iCloud email we might be able to help you reset your password. If you don’t have access to it then there’s not much that we can help with. Even if we factory restore your device it will still ask for the iCloud associated with that device.

Can you help me build a gaming PC?

Absolutely, we can help you put a parts list together based on your budget and even assembly it for you. Please give us a call for more information!

Do you guys buy devices?

At the moment, we do not.

Do you have tempered glass?

Yes, we currently only keep iPhone Tempered Glasses in stock.

I have my own screen can you install it?

Yes, we can install the screen you bought but we will not be responsible for the quality, performance, and reliability of the product you bought. Please note that our warranty is invalid for customer-bought parts.

Can you help install applications?

Yes, we can help install applications on-site or remotely (Computers Only).

Have a question that’s not on here and you think would be beneficial for others to see? Please submit it.

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